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ASTM A228 Music Wire

ASTM A228 Music Wire

ASTM A228 Music Wire

ASTM A228 Music Wire

Music wire, also known as piano wire or spring wire, is a high-carbon steel alloy famous for its high tensile strength and high elastic limit. Music wire derived its name from one of its most popular applications, piano strings. However, this versatile steel alloy has many different high-stress applications.  The components that make this material type include Carbon (C) and Manganese (Mn). The maximum temperature it is able to resist is of 250º Fahrenheit (121º Celsius) and it is not corrosive resistant so if you wish to use this material type in a moist or corrosive environment, you might want to have the springs go under plating.


Music wire has high tensile strength, high ductility and excellent fatigue life. Our music wire meets the latest revisions of ASTM A228/A228M-16.Type I : wire shall be directly drawn from either as-rolled rods or from air patented rods or wire to the final wire diameter.Type II : wire shall be drawn from either patented rod or patented wire to the final wire diameter. All patenting is not allowed.


ASTM A228/A228M-18 Standard Specification For Steel Wire, Music Spring Quality This specification covers high quality, round, cold-drawn steel music spring quality wire for the manufacture of springs subject to high stresses or requiring good fatigue properties. The steel shall either be ingot cast or strand cast. Heat and product analysis shall be performed wherein steel materials shall conform to required chemical compositions of carbon, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, and silicon. Steel specimens shall also undergo tension test, wrap test, and torsion tests This specification covers two types of round, cold-drawn steel music spring quality wire, uniform in mechanical properties, intended especially for the manufacture of springs subject to high stresses or requiring good fatigue properties.


ASTM A228 music wire is a carbon (non-alloy) steel formulated for primary forming into wrought products. Cited properties are appropriate for the cold worked (strain hardened) condition. ASTM A228 is the defining standard for this material. K08500 is the UNS number. It has the highest tensile strength among wrought carbon or non-alloy steels. In addition, it has a fairly low ductility and a moderately low thermal conductivity.


Music Wire Spring Properties Definition

Wire spring which is manufactured using Music Wire; the American Standard of Trade and Measure (ASTM) for this material type is A228. It is a high carbon spring steel and it is the most commonly used. It offers uniform tensile strength which, when coupled with a good wire spring design, will offer many thousands of cycles of spring life. Used to manufactured several types of wire spring types.


Table of Music Wire Properties

Nominal Analysis C – .70 – 1.00% Mn. – .20 -60%
Minimum Tensile Strength 230*10^3 – 399*10^3
Modulus of Elasticity 30*10^6
Design Stress % Minimum Tensile 45%
Modulus in Torsion 11.5
Maximum Temperature 250º F (121º C)
Rockwell Hardness C41-60
Method of Manufacture Chief Uses Special Properties Cold drawn. High and uniform tensile. High quality springs and wire forms.


Music Wire Spring

A spring made of music wire can resist the maximum temperature of 250ºF (121ºC). minimum tensile strength between 230*10^3 and 399*10^3 psi, its modulus of elasticity is 30*10^6 psi, and a rockwell hardness of C41-60. This specific material type will NOT resist a corrosive environment for it shall not be exposed to a moist/humid atmosphere.


Music Wire ASTM A228 is the most common and economical material type. This material type is also very basic which is why it runs the risk of rusting in corrosive environments or burning under very high temperatures. This is why we have provided you with the Music Wire Spring Properties chart, so that you may see if music wire will work for you or if you must go with a more exotic material type.


Our spring calculator includes Music Wire ASTM A228 as one of the material types you may use to generate a spring design. Whether it is a music wire compression spring, music wire extension spring, or music wire torsion spring; the above values shown on the table are part of the spring calculation software so that all of the values, like spring rate and maximum safe travel, are highly accurate. This way, you’re able to generate a music wire spring design and know which are its capacities and its limitations.


The spring calculator is also programmed to provide you with an instant quote if you use either Music Wire ASTM A228 or Stainless Steel 302 A313. As you enter your spring dimensions, pick either one of these material types, and click on “Calculate”, the calculator automatically takes all of the music wire spring properties and generates a live spring quote so that, not only do you get to work on your design, but you also get to buy it once you’re done. This isn’t it, though. Spring Creator will additionally provide you with stock spring suggestions in case you’re interested in buying small quantities of springs.


Last, but not least, generate a live blueprint of your music wire spring design. It is a live drawing made in proportion to the inputs you entered. You may email it to yourself or request a quote in case your parameters were out of the instant quoting range and the spring calculator didn’t automatically provide you with one. The file you will receive in your email will be in PDF format. It will include the music wire spring’s full analysis as well as the instant quote and the stock spring suggestions.


Use high carbon steel alloy music wire for applications that demand high strength and durability, such as springs, jewelry and piano and guitar strings. Music wire can withstand high tension and rugged use and still last a long time. Also find spring steel in smaller thicknesses to help fabricate lockpicks, spring clamps, antennas, and small aircraft landing gear. today for high-quality music wire in a variety of thicknesses and tensile strengths.


Music Wire
ASTM A 228
Nominal Chemistry
C 0.70 1.00%
Mn 0.20 60%


Minimum Tensile Strength
psi x 103
E – Modulus of Elasticity
psi x 106
Design Stress % Minimum Tensile 45
G – Modulus in Torsion
psi x 106
Maximum Operating Temperature
Rockwell Hardness C41-60
Shear Modulus
c GPa
11600 80.0
Method of Manufacture
Chief Uses
Special Properties
Music Wire is cold drawn, and it has a high and uniform tensile. Music Wire is the toughest and most widely used of all spring materials for small springs. It has the highest tensile strength and can withstand higher stresses under repeated loading than any other spring material.
Equivalent or Common Trade Names 228 Music Wire
Piano wire
AISI 1086
AMS 5112
UNS K08500
UNS G10860
SAE J403
SAE J412
SAE J414e
Japanese JIS G3522 SWP-A G3522 SWP-B
German DIN 1.1269
British BS 1408 5216 5201


Benefits of Music Wire Compression Springs

Music wire is a frequently used material for compression springs because it can bear repeated heavy loads while maintaining its shape and elasticity. There are many benefits associated with music wire, including:
High tensile strength

High elasticity



Easily worked


Limitations of Music Wire Compression Springs

Although there are many benefits of choosing music wire compression springs, this material does have its disadvantages. Music wire compression springs should not be used in extreme temperatures, and they can give way under shock loads. Our team of specialists can help you decide if music wire compression springs are the right choice for your application.

Types of Music Wire Material

ASTM-A228 or AMS-5112

DIN-17223 or EN-10270-1 or JIS-3522 SWP-A/B or AMS-5112

Tensile Requirement (ASTM A228)

Dia. T/S (ksi) Dia. T/S (ksi)
(Inch) MIN MAX (Inch) MIN MAX
0.008 399 441 0.067 290 321
0.009 393 434 0.072 287 317
0.010 387 428 0.076 284 314
0.011 382 422 0.079 283 313
0.012 377 417 0.080 282 312
0.013 373 412 0.085 279 308
0.014 369 408 0.090 276 305
0.015 365 404 0.095 274 303
0.016 362 400 0.100 271 300
0.018 356 393 0.102 270 299
0.020 350 387 0.107 268 296
0.022 345 382 0.110 267 295
0.024 341 377 0.112 266 294
0.026 337 373 0.121 263 290
0.028 333 368 0.125 261 288
0.030 330 365 0.130 259 286
0.032 327 361 0.135 258 285
0.034 324 358 0.138 256 283
0.036 321 355 0.140 256 283
0.038 318 352 0.145 254 281
0.040 315 349 0.150 253 279
0.042 313 346 0.156 251 277
0.045 309 342 0.162 249 275
0.048 306 339 0.177 245 270
0.051 303 335 0.192 241 267
0.052 302 333 0.207 238 264
0.055 300 331 0.225 235 260
0.059 296 327 0.250 230 255
0.063 293 324



Dia (Inch) Cast I.D. Max Weight (Lbs) Dia (Inch) Cast I.D. Max Weight (Lbs)
0.008 – 0.011 6″ 11 0.032 – 0.054 16″ 880
0.012 – 0.019 8″ 22 0.055 – 0.070 20″ 1,300
0.020 – 0.031 12″ 110 0.071 – 0.117 24″ 1,800
0.032 – 0.054 16″ 220 0.118 – 0.250 30″ 2,200
0.055 – 0.070 20″ 440
0.071 – 0.117 24″ 550
0.118 – 0.250 30″ 660



Dia (Inch) Cast I.D. Max Weight (Lbs) Dia (Inch) Cast I.D. Max Weight (Lbs)
0.008 – 0.011 6″ 11 0.032 – 0.054 16″ 880
0.012 – 0.019 8″ 22 0.055 – 0.070 20″ 1,300
0.020 – 0.031 12″ 110 0.071 – 0.079 24″ 1,800
0.032 – 0.054 16″ 220
0.055 – 0.070 20″ 440
0.071 – 0.079 24″ 550


Stock extension springs are made in different material types so these wire springs may be used in different environments but the most commonly used wire type is Music Wire ASTM A228. That is why you’re able to find a great number of stock music wire extension springs at The Spring Store! Where we provide you with our extensive extension spring catalog as well as a few tools to make designing and finding the ideal stock music wire extension spring much easier.


Phosphate Coated Music Wire

0.004 439 485
0.005 426 471
0.006 415 459
0.007 407 449
0.008 399 441
0.009 393 434
0.010 387 428
0.011 382 422
0.012 377 417
0.013 373 412
0.014 369 408
0.015 365 404
0.016 362 400
0.018 356 393
0.020 350 387
0.022 345 382
0.024 341 377
0.026 337 373
0.028 333 368
0.030 330 365
0.032 327 361
0.034 324 358
0.036 321 355
0.038 318 352
0.040 315 349
0.042 313 346
0.045 309 342
0.048 306 339
0.051 303 335
0.055 300 331
0.059 296 327
0.063 293 324
0.067 290 321
0.072 287 317
0.076 284 314
0.080 282 312
0.085 279 308
0.090 276 305
0.095 274 303
0.100 271 300
0.102 270 299
0.107 268 296
0.110 267 295
0.112 266 294
0.121 263 290
0.125 261 288
0.130 259 286
0.135 258 285
0.140 256 283
0.145 254 281
0.150 253 279
0.156 251 277
0.162 249 275
0.177 245 270
0.192 241 267
0.207 238 264
0.225 235 260
0.250 230 255



Diameter, in Tensile Strength,


Diameter, in Tensile Strength,


Diameter, in Tensile Strength,


Diameter, in Tensile Strength,


min max min max min max min max
.004 439 485 .022 345 382 .059 296 327 .125 261 288
.005 426 471 .024 341 377 .063 293 324 .130 259 286
.006 415 459 .026 337 373 .067 290 321 .135 258 285
.007 407 449 .028 333 368 .072 287 317 .140 256 283
.008 399 441 .030 330 365 .076 284 314 .145 254 281
.009 393 434 .032 327 361 .080 282 312 .150 253 279
.010 387 428 .034 324 358 .085 279 308 .156 251 277
.011 382 422 .036 321 355 .090 276 305 .162 249 275
.012 377 417 .038 318 352 .095 274 303 .177 245 270
.013 373 412 .040 315 349 .100 271 300 .192 241 267
.014 369 408 .042 313 346 .102 270 299 .207 238 264
.015 365 404 .045 309 342 .107 268 296 .225 235 260
.016 362 400 .048 306 339 .110 267 295 .250 230 255
.018 356 393 .051 303 335 .112 266 294
.020 350 387 .055 300 331 .121 263 290

Tensile strength values for intermediate diameters may be interpolated.

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